Covid-19 Precautions & Protocols

All staff are briefed daily of the developments of the virus in South Africa and worldwide, so they are aware, briefed and trained on how to protect themselves and others.

No staff are allowed to commute in their uniforms to and from work. All uniforms are washed and sanitised daily .

Hand wash soap is available for all staff at the factory and regular hand washing for 20 seconds is mandatory.

Hand sanitiser is in all vehicles to enable staff to sanitise their hands before entering a client’s home and on leaving, as well as being available to our clients visiting our factory .

Our factory surfaces , doors and door handles are sanitised daily.

Vehicle interiors are sanitised daily.

All staff are equipped with face coverings to prevent the spread of spittle. This is a precaution and not because they are ill. These masks are planet friendly as they are reusable and get washed and sanitised daily.

Cleaning equipment is sanitised between jobs and overnight.

Our cleaning method has a natural sanitiser as part of the process and all items are rinsed with this in the rinse water, this is nothing new to Immaculate as we have always done it.

Should you have any concerns please feel free to contact us directly.

Immaculate Cleaning is striving to get through this pandemic in a responsible manor for all concerned.

We will continue to work together to provide the highest standard of service!